Sunday 15 February 2009


This is still part of the chair project, these are my ten roughs of a story based around an event that happened in 1969, the year my chair was designed.

Black sabbath formed, but not nearly excitingly enough as anyone might hope, so I decided to create my own version of events.

1. One day in the depths of hell, the devil was just hanging out with some of his most evil pals, when he started to feel rather nauseous...

2. ...and so, threw his guts up into the fiery pit.

3. After examining the results of his stripy laugh, old Lucifer realised he had unleashed a force to be reckoned with...


5. Bill bargained with the devil about getting the hell out of hell.
6. Satan agreed and handed Ozzy a magic kazoo that he knew would do something but hadn't ever been figured out and had just been lying around for thousands of years.
7. Ozzy knew full well how to use the magical implement, filled it with some 60s weed and blazed it up. 8. From the thick smoke emerged a mystical wizard... 9... who gave them the keys to his Rover 10. and the lot of 'em did one to Brum to start writing for the first album! I can see a more developed and sophisticated version of this working well, maybe in some sort of comic book format. I may end up making a short black n white zine out of this...
Maybe do my own story of some other bands' early years too, or as Charlie suggested, doing a timeline of doom metal bands. That might be a larf.

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